HAIL KRABATHOR!!!!!! The date 6 February '98 and we are on our way to the Doors in 
Johannesburg to go and be amazed at what will be delivered to us by the Gods of Steel.  The 
night was set for true Metal mayhem and brutality.  The Doors was packed and it was true, 
Krabathor is here to kick some Death Metal ass!!!!!!!!!! Dark Ages and all our buddies from 
Pretoria, we were ready to rock.

Krabathor was founded by Christopher vocalist and Guitarist in 1984 and in the spring of 1986 
Bruno (Vocals, Bass) joined what will be the true masters of Death Metal.  In 1988 they 
recorded three rehearsal demo's called "BREATH OF DEATH", "TOTAL DESTRUCTION", and 
"BRUTAL DEATH" and they already pulled a crowd of 1500 Metal fans.  Sadly these two Death 
Metal leaders had to go to the Army.

Then in April of the year '91 Krabathor recorded their first demo "FEELINGS OF 
DETHRONISATION" and with the help of their new manager Petr Hetjtmanek they started touring 
the whole of the Czech republic and soon after that  they also started touring in foreign countries.  
After being offered two albums from the biggest record company in the Czech republic, they 
released their debut album in March of '92 "ONLY OUR DEATH IS WELCOME..." and they sold 
16 000 Copies in CD/LP/MC format.  The album was supported by a video clip from the song 
"PACIFISTIC DEATH" and it was played on the Czech and Slovakian TV.

"COOL MORTIFICATION" was the title of their second CD and it sold over 8000 copies.  After 
this album Krabathor decided to move to a different record label and in 1995 they signed to 
Morbid Records in Germany.  In the Summer of 1995 they released, in co-operation with band 
label "DEATHVASTATION PROD. the 7"EP "THE RISE OF BRUTALITY" which was limited to only 
1000 copies and it was released on red, black and white Vinyl.  Now. in the year of '98 
DARK AGES and HAPPY HAMSTER RECORDS will release, to all the KRABATHOR fans, this 
Limited EP with bonus tracks on CD!!!!!!!

In September of 1995 Krabathor released what is for me one of the most amazing Death albums 
I have heard "LIES".  Up to this date it has sold 15000 copies.  To support the album they 
played two European tours with bands like IMPALED NAZARENE, CANNIBAL CORPSE, 
IMMOLATION, GRAVE, ROTTING CHRIST.  December 1996 they released a mini CD "MORTAL 
MEMORIES" which includes a CD-ROM of "UNNECESSARITY" (see Review of the CD in the CD
 review section).  "APOCRYPHA" was recorded on video to support the album and they played the 
"MORTAL MEMORIES" tour with Sanity's Dawn and South Africa's Groinchurn.

That brings us to the show that left a mark on a lot of Metalheads that had the balls to go 
and support these warriors of Death Metal.  Bodies flying through the air and moshing went on 
for the whole time that I can remember, unfortunately due to a lot of heavy moshing, much is 
blank.  This is Death Metal at it's best.  The night went off really cool with Groinchurn 
starting with a set consisting mainly of the old favourites, it sounds like we're speaking of 
ABBA, but anyway, they did all of their usual favourites.  Krabathor came on at about 
midnight, starting off with their track "The truth About Lies", the crowd automatically 
ascending into a state of absolute mania.  South Africa is starved for overseas talent.  The 
gig on the seventh went off just as well except for the odd disruption in the crowd.  
According to those who were there, the gig in Bloemfontein was equally good except that all 
bands concerned decided that this was the hottest gig they had ever played in their lives, the 
sweat ran off in buckets.  Hopefully Krabathor was the first band of many that are to visit 
our friendly shores.  Many bands are interested, anybody got any money?

Here follows an interview done on Ferro Metal by our friend Frank Ferro and was kindly given 
to The CRUSADER.  Thanx Frank.

FRANK: 11:45 Ferro Metal the heaviest two hours on radio anywhere at any given time and this 
evening all the way from the Czech Republic and boy am I honoured to have you guys in the 
studio. About two weeks ago we promised you that we'll be speaking to Krabathor, all the way 
from the Czech Republic. They are my studio guests, gonna be chatting to them very shortly 

FRANK: A band that really left me dumbfounded at "The Doors" night club, thanks guys! This 
past Friday the 5th day in February

FRANK: Krabathor, we heard the first track taken off the album and it's called?
BRUNO: "Breath of Death", Breath of Death. Just that.

FRANK: Welcome guys, thanks for taking time out and coming all the way from the Vaaldriehoek. 
I believe you were actually sun tanning.
BRUNO: Sorry?

FRANK: You were sun tanning on the vaaldam on the river.
BRUNO: Yeh, it's cool there!

FRANK: Okay, what I'd like to ask you is you know South Africa is a crime ridden country, 
there is a lot of crime, every week like heists, people that go to banks and collect money, 
they get shot down, gunned down and robbers run away with thousands of Rands, How's the crime 
situation in the Czech Republic?
BRUNO: I personally think that everybody can find the people who doesn't behave how they 
should behave so the crime is a problem world wide. So I don't know. It's nothing special for 
us so, it's not special South African problem so we in Czech Republic know we have little 
problems with highest crimes from the side of ex-Russian lands, Ukraine and so on. The people 
from this lands don't behave too well in Czech Republic.

FRANK: Growing up in the Czech Republic  what was it like ?
BRUNO: It was crazy under the communist totally.  It was split in half, because all kinds of 
music was literally forbidden you know.  We hadn't the possibility to go to good sound studios 
to go and record some good stuff, that was cool cause we where free, we can go where we like.

FRANK: So it was difficult.  What about obtaining bands like say, speaking earlier to you on 
the telephone line, you told me initially in the beginning you guys where into bands like 
Metallica, Iron Maiden, and then eventually Slayer stuff.
BRUNO: In the first beginning of the band.

FRANK: Was it difficult to get these bands ?
BRUNO: I don't think so.  You know at the time all Metal fans get the tapes.....recorded 
tapes.  So it wasn't a problem getting what you wanted.  If anybody was interested in this 
music it was easy to get.  With the markets or something.

FRANK: Was it freely available or was it like the black market?  Would you have to have 
friends and people you knew before you could get the stuff ?
BRUNO: There was a community of people who were evolved in hard music and they would 
co-operate little bit everybody and they knew everybody.  It was just like that.

FRANK: Okay and the set you guys played at the Doors nightclub in Johannesburg.  How did you like it ?
BRUNO: Hey, it was cool.  Firstly I would like to say that we didn't expect to get that many 
people there.  It was nearly or over 500.  So it was very cool and we enjoyed the playing.  We 
are quite satisfied with this.

FRANK: When Groinchurn went over you managed to secure something like 30 gig's for them.  
South Africa we're democracy haven't started yet.  No okay it's been around 
for a while, but I think it takes a while before the whole Metal scene kicks in.  Christopher 
the gig in Vanderbijlpark, what was the gig like?  Did you enjoy it ?
CHRISTOPHER: Yeh, it was great.  It was great people and live show and I think in South 
Africa the people are very good.  Probably not so much bands from Europe comes here and 
people enjoy the show.

J.G. Mocke & Lunatic
(After the Krabathor gig in Jo'burg - Mocke with a slight short term memory lapse & Lunatic
with what would later be 17 stitches on his lip - All due to good Moshing)
FRANK: And the other bands that opened for you ?
BRUNO: I listen to Infectious Outbreak and a little bit to PITT's music.  It's not real Death 
Metal, the second band I mean, but it's quite good.  I think that not many people in Europe or 
everywhere else expect to hear down here in South's a lot of good bands.  I 
think that the South African scene will grow up a bit.  As the bands like Groinchurn and maybe 
some more change in the world.

FRANK: Would you say that Death Metal is making a come back ?
BRUNO: Maybe a little bit.  I personally see it, like a few years ago their was a boom of  
Black Metal and now it's more quite in the Black Metal.  In my opinion the Death Metal scene 
was cleaned up of all the bands that played trendy Death Metal and the posers you know.  So I 
mean the real Death Metal bands remained and this real Death Metal bands creates a scene and 
this scene comes to me more true and I see like it's little grow's up again.

FRANK: Going back to what is happening especially in the United Kingdom and the Scandinavian 
countries with some bands with that whole Black Metal scene like Dimmu Borgir as well as Cradle of Filth.
BRUNO: Yeh I wouldn't call this style as Black Metal.  In my own opinion, it's more like Heavy 
Metal with keyboards and it's quite soft music, it's...... I'm not much into this kind of 
music, because it's to commercial for me.  Anyway I have nothing against these bands.  It's 
maybe the priority of their music.

FRANK: Do you think they are posers?  That it's all an act, the blood ?
BRUNO: Yeh maybe a little bit.  You know if I listen to Black Metal I prefer bands like 
Impaler or Immortal.  Just the two bands that brings brutality, and evil, and darkness you 
know.  And more from the side of the bands you mentioned Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth, 
it's more like.........Hollywood. (Laugh)

FRANK: Especially Cradle of Filth.
BRUNO: Yeh, but anyway music it's cool.

FRANK: Okay we are going to take a listen to track no.2 of the Mortal Memories EP.  You got 
the track list there?  I'm...uh...still not familiar with the album.  It's called "Bestial 
War".  Christopher maybe you can tell us a little bit more about the song.
CHRISTOPHER: This song is against the war and it's from our 1988 demo.

FRANK: Going back to your gig at the Doors nightclub.  45 mins the set, very compacted, very 
polished.  I must say ho... it truly blew my head away, it was unbelievable.  I saw that you 
both team up with vocals.  Do you think it makes the band fuller and gives it more punch?
BRUNO: Yeh maybe it's the reason.

FRANK: Bruno one of the things I have noticed and  seems to be your pet hate Jesus Christ and 
Communism.  Can you elaborate on that ?
BRUNO: It's not only religions and communism, it's more things.  Like behaviour to animals, 
neo-Nazi's, you know it's the things that really makes me sick here and there.  I feel that I 
should do something against this and I know that to write lyrics about this thing is 2 ways, 
but it's better then nothing you know, and just things.  No one can like you so I would like 
to express this.  It's my feeling to all the people just to keep them informed about it and to 
irritate them to make their own opinion, or our statement to this problem.

FRANK: What would you say actually influences you?  Is it your day to day living, things you see? 
CHRISTOPHER: We are inspired by the things around us, you know.  Well maybe you can find a lot 
of bad things around us and it's good inspiration to put into the songs.  I feel songs of 
lyrics we had made of the mind, maybe some people can have the same problems in the mind that 
we have and we can sing about it.

FRANK: Bruno will you be writing a song on South Africa?  Something in particular that have touched you?
BRUNO: I didn't see nothing bad to write about.  So I don't think so.  I would like to say 
that South Africa is really cool land as any other land.  All I can say is that we enjoy to be 
here and that we enjoy the show so far and we enjoy the people because the people are really 
cool  and we enjoy our friends Groinchurn, because when we met them the first time in Europe 
we became just really good friends and it's for us important things.

FRANK: Which of the Death Metal bands in the Czech Republic or in Europe as such started of 
the same time as Krabathor that are still playing music?
BRUNO: The bands that started with us in the same kind of music mostly doesn't exist anymore.
CHRISTOPHER: It's a lot of work I think it's not only to make the good music, good stuff, needs 
to do a lot of work around to make the interviews and go to all the shows and something like 
that.  Few times it's expensive to go somewhere, you have to pay it and reason in it.

FRANK: Bruno are you guys making money?
BRUNO: Not too much really, at this statement we can bring money in from the music, but it's 
not enough to survive so we have normal jobs.  We have to work.

Me (Lunatic) with Bruno after the Vanderbijlpark gig

FRANK: Christopher would you ever sacrifice your music, what you believe in what you like, 
Death Metal, maybe go play some covers in some pub to make extra money?
CHRISTOPHER: No I believe only in the music.  This is my life only the music.  I like to be in 
the band.  Go on tour, find new lands, new people and new friends.  This is life, real life.  
It's better than staying at home watch the TV read the news paper ha ha......

FRANK: There are many kids, youngsters listening to the show although they do not call, because 
I know that thirteen, twelve year old kids listening at home.  Anything you like to say to 
them.  They into Metal, they wanna play Metal and that.  Is there a hard road ahead?  What 
would you say to them this evening?
BRUNO: It's a long way to prove anything.  The first, the prime moment in my opinion is to 
believe your goals, to find some goals and believe them, to try to reach them and nothing else 
matters.  I would say.

FRANK: Okay let play another song, taken from the album, or more the EP Mortal Memories.  
Track no.3 it's called "Apocrypha".
BRUNO: Yeh it's also the video..

FRANK: I actually had a change to check out the CD-Rom.  Quite liked it on my computer the 
night I came back from the Doors.  Can you fill us in on "Apocrypha"?
BRUNO: Yeh of course.

FRANK: What is the song about?
BRUNO: This song is a bit of anti religious lyrics.  As what Christopher said earlier, this 
song comes from  our old demo.  The lyrics maybe doesn't fit to the music as we would do it 
now. Anyway in my opinion it's a little bit of anti-religious lyrics.

FRANK: Bruno we where talking of the mic before we went on air.  The whole merchandise aspect 
of Metal bands.  Do you feel that it's very important?
BRUNO: Yeh, our whole merchandise at this moment it's quite enough things but we couldn't 
bring anything to South Africa, because we got a lot of bags for flyer, so we just brought 2 
or 3 kinds of T-shirts, CD's "Mortal Memories" and "Lies", stickers, posters and so on. If 
people are interested in our merchandise they can order it from Morbid Records (Germany).  We 
have long sleeves, T-Shirts, CD's, EP's, 7 inch's, stickers, posters and caps.

FRANK: Okay when it come down promoting the whole Metal scene in the Czech Republic and 
Europe.  Is there like fanzines that cover the bands, underground radio stations.  How did 
the fans hear about the Metal bands?
BRUNO: Not to many radio stations, I would say about really a lot of magazines and a lot of 
bands.  I would say the world Metal scene is still strong, there is a lot of people involved 
in the underground.

FRANK: Many of the people, are they sincere or are they just like jumping on the band wagon, 
just people that want to be in with the band groupies?
BRUNO: You mean like a lot of posers?

FRANK: Posers or what ever or are they ready to help the bands and put the money were their mouth is? So to speak.
BRUNO: Yeh there are also people like that.  Unfortunately we had to fight they slam their ass 
behind your back, after we have helped them in the past.  I think this bad relationships does 
not help the scene, that is way we stopped to worry about it.  This doesn't help our band, we 
only care about Krabathor and we spend all our power all our activities for Krabathor, maybe 
it's the best way to spend it.

FRANK: And do they rip-off the bands?  Like steal money from them?
CHRISTOPHER: There is a lot like this.  In every country you find the good people but 
everywhere you can find the paradox.
BRUNO: I wouldn't say that bands who steal the money it's hard work, not to honest bands, like 
they promised a show for some band and they don't do that.  Stuff like that.

FRANK: What about clubs and club promoters as such.  Do you guys get paid your fee what you 
supposed to or do you get ripped off?
BRUNO: It depends on the people it doesn't depend on the clubs.  So but at this time we have 
quite a good name an the scene so I think if we talk to a organizer it's mostly the good way 
of speech.  At this moment it's quite better, I would say.

FRANK: And the clubs do they have good facilities?  Do you have to "schlep" around your PA or 
do you just plug in you guitar?
BRUNO: We usually travel just with the guitars, amps, snare and cymbals and stuff. 

FRANK: Christopher tell me before you go live on stage do you warm-up your vocal chords?
CHRISTOPHER: I've never had problems with the singing.  It comes from the body.

FRANK: You are not like a opera singer that will like try "la la lala!!" to try and warm up 
the voice. You don't down a few tequila's or a bottle of vodka?

FRANK: Okay when you go and hit the mic your voice has never failed you?  It's always there?  
Your voice is always strong?
CHRISTOPHER: No, no....never.

FRANK: Bruno with the altitude, Johannesburg, Gauteng, being high up above the sea level and 
that.  Did you experience any problems, maybe in you nose, hey fever?
BRUNO: I personally don't expect any problems.  For me from this moment everything is all 

FRANK: Okay looking forward or looking ahead rather.  You soon will be embarking on a national 
tour with Cannibal Corpse
BRUNO: It's a European tour.  It's going to be over 30 dates from Scandinavia, England, 
Scotland, Germany, France, Holland, Spain, Portugal.  It's going to be the longest tour for 
us so far.  We are very looking forward to this and it's really good support for us.  Being the 
support band for Cannibal Corpse and they cause many people to come to the show.  We can 
spread our name for much more fans as before.  We have played a couple of European tours, but 
never for so long.  We played for I think once for 2 weeks.

FRANK: Okay the album will be out "Orthodox" will be out in March.  How many tracks will be on this album?
BRUNO: Nine tracks in total.

FRANK: What can we expect?  Is it still Death Metal?
BRUNO: Still Death Metal, is no change, it's no females vocals, maybe a little bit of 
keyboard as we used on the first album.
CHRISTOPHER: But like a background.
BRUNO: It's real pure Death Metal we like to play and I think that the people cannot be 
afraid of any style change.

FRANK: The writing process for the album?
BRUNO: It was a really long time we've wrote it nearly close to 3 years.  We started to write 
new songs just after the releasing of the "Lies" album and it's almost 2 and a half years at 
the moment.  You know we use to play a lot.  We play a lot of gig's and we play some tours.  
It's quite hard to get  everything in together to fit , you know, the rehearsals, your job, 
and your live shows, tours and everything.  So at this moment process of writing for this album 
was a bit longer as it was before.  But anyway I am personally satisfied with the new 
recording and I hope that people will like it to.

FRANK: Was is recorded in the Czech Republic?
BRUNO: In Slovakia.  The last 2 albums was recorded in Slovakia in a studio called "Exponent".
It's quite small, quite cheap and quite good.

FRANK: Did you have a big budget?  Did Morbid Records afford you?
BRUNO: Yeh they supported us with the recording.

FRANK: How many copies will you be releasing?
BRUNO: Perhaps....we don't know.  You have to ask Olaf from Morbid Records.  Usual press is 
3 000 copies.  But uh.... we expect it to sell 15 000 maybe 20 000.

FRANK: Okay to promote the album?  Obvious you going on tour with Cannibal Corpse.  Any other.....
BRUNO: We prepared a video for the song of the new album called "Liquid" and as I told you we 
are gonna play the tour and we are prepared to play a lot of single gigs in whole Europe and 
maybe outside Europe.  Who knows?

FRANK: As we go out this evening.  Thanx for coming to the studio we really appreciate it.
BRUNO: Yeh, thank-you.

FRANK: Having you guys it's been a real pleasure. Christopher as well as Bruno, Skull didn't 
talk the language.  His busy with the groupies.  I don't know what he is doing to them. 
(Laugh's in the studio).  I can just see him there.
BRUNO: Maybe there's gonna be change in the future to meet here again, speak here again.

FRANK: Defiantly. I really looking forward speaking to you guys.
BRUNO: We are interested to be here again.

FRANK: Maybe we can get you guys to stay here in South Africa.  Who knows?
BRUNO: Yeh.....why not....hahahuhu!!

FRANK: Get you a nice Boere meisie.  You haven't, you don't speak Afrikaans yet?

FRANK: Jy praat nie daai taal nie?
BRUNO: No, no way....

FRANK: Nog nie.  (Laughter in studio)
BRUNO: We did not understand you at this moment.

FRANK: You must try to speak Afrikaans, maybe we can get you a nice Boere girl there in 
Roodepoort or Florida. (Laugh's still going on).  You know make lot's of children.
BRUNO: No it's no good.

FRANK: Work in the garage.  Okay as we go out this evening the title track of the album that 
will be released in March.
BRUNO: It's called ORTHODOX.

FRANK: Is it any religious connotations, is it about religion?
BRUNO: At this time I would say it's more about our attitude for a long time. We prefer to go 
a honest way, honest to the people, honest to the fans.  As in the music life, the same as in 
the personal life.  That is all I can say.

Back to Scripture 3